Saturday, February 26, 2011

To Him Who Has, More Will Be Given

Do you remember that verse from the parable of the talents? I do. And just when I thought that I was going to get to concentrate on new media projects again, I was given more things to do. :-) Oh I am still in charge of New Media. In fact, things are beginning to really take off on some of our new media initiatives and we are starting some new projects as well. We now have over 7,000 people who follow our local radio Facebook page ( Another 4,500 people follow our Guayaquil radio station ( In all, I am overseeing something like 8 Facebook pages, all aimed at different audiences.

However, about 3 weeks ago I was also asked to oversee 2 other ministries, ALAS and SERVIR. ALAS is our satellite radio network that began in 1994. We use it to feed over 100 radio outlets around Latin America, the USA and Spain. Many of our affiliates are small stations who can't afford to produce their own programming. So we help them out by providing a radio stream that they can jump into and out of as needed. Many of them use our network to play all night long or most of the weekend. By sending them quality programs, they also sound better on the air then they would otherwise.

The other ministry is call SERVIR. Servir is a Spanish word which means "service". It is actually a play on words in Spanish because SERVIR really is sort of an acronym for International Radio Services (SERVicios International de Radio). SERVIR works with partners who want to produce radio programs for Latin America and distribute them throughout the region. Some of our current partners include, The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, FamilyLife Today, Mission Network News, Hope for the Heart, and "Let My People Think" with Ravi Zacharias. We do translations in Spanish and Quichua at the moment although we have partners who are interested in us helping them do programs into Portugese and German as well.

I will share a little more about each of these ministries in upcoming posts. Suffice it say right now that I am feeling pretty overwhelmed with the new responsibilities as I try to get up to speed on what each are is doing and then move it forward. I am really enjoying the challenge though. We have great teams in each of these areas who are carrying most of the work and I am having a ball pointing them in the right directions and giving each team a little push now and then to keep them going.
