Thursday, October 22, 2015

So What Does SonSet Solutions Do Anyway?

     Have you found yourself asking this question every time you hear from us? We talk a lot about what I am doing at SonSet Solutions. But we haven't talked a lot about what SonSet Solutions does. The name SonSet comes from John 8:36 in the Bible, which says, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." But the word "set" can also refer to technology, like a "TV set". So you might say that we make technology for the Son. But wait... Our name also includes the word "Solutions", which suggests that we provide solutions too. Put it all together and what do you get?

"SonSet Solutions provides technology-based solutions to advance the Gospel worldwide."

     SonSet Solutions has its fingers in a lot of technology areas, but here is a quick overview. Our rich history in radio technology has allowed us to plant more than 450 Christian radio stations worldwide. We have designed and distributed more than 44,000 solar-powered, fixed-tuned SonSet® radio receivers for areas of  the world where electricity is scarce. We also are helping ministries monitor clean water systems in remote communities to ensure the liquid water and the living water continues to flow. Media will be used to create evangelistic tools that can be used on mobile technology to share the gospel. Here is our new video to explain more about some of  these ministries.

     Thanks for being part of the team! #PartnersForGlobalImpact

Doug (& Ruth)