Friday, September 26, 2014

The Name Game...

So, how are you doing with the name game so far? Let's review.... HCJB Global became Reach Beyond last January. Ruth and I then became missionaries with Reach Beyond, but we moved to Indiana to work with the HCJB Global Technology Center (no, the Tech Center didn't change their name) in their Nikkel Media Works studios. Are you keeping up? Well, now I have another one to throw at you...

The HCJB Global Technology Center has now changed its name to SonSet Solutions.

SonSet Solutions was also granted permission to separate themselves from Reach Beyond and become their own independent, non-profit 501(C)(3) organization. Although separate, the two organizations will maintain close ties. So where does that leave Ruth and I? We are now Reach Beyond missionaries serving in the Nikkel Media Works studios of SonSet Solutions. See that wasn't so hard now, was it?

Yes, the decision was made this week and announced to our staff today (Friday). And then the web site was launched. I have been working on the web site pretty much exclusively for the last several weeks. This is the first time that the tech center has had their own web site, even though we have beed in existence for some 28 years. You can read about our history on the web page. Next I will be involved in "getting the word out". Since SonSet Solutions doesn't have a "marketing" area yet, my team and I have decided that media should pick up that role until we can get someone in-house to help us. Do you know of any missionaries with a marketing background?

There are a number of things that lay ahead of us. We need to let people know that Reach Beyond has given a generous matching grant to help us get started with some of the startup funding that will be required to get us off on the right foot. It is much like setting up your first apartment.... all those little things you took for granted at Mom and Dad's house. So we need to start producing printed material, some short videos, social media strategies, letterhead and business cards, etc etc.

We are excited about this change and are anxious to get started on some of the new initiatives. If you want to help us get started, you can donate to SonSet Solutions to help with their startup funds (see the web page for more info). You can also pray for us as we work on these new communication and media tools. I don't really have a lot of experience at this kind of thing, and we don't have a lot of time to put things in place.

Thanks for being a part of our financial and prayer support teams...

Doug (& Ruth)