We can relate... We were settled quite nicely in ministry in Ecuador until sometime last fall (2011). I was involved with the new media ministries for HCJB Global. Ruth was working with students at the Alliance Academy International. The kids were in school. We had a daily routine that we were used. to.
But sometime last fall we began to move into the unsettled stage as we began to make plans to return to the US. Suddenly things were not so settled. We started selling things that we couldn't bring back with us. We started making plans to hand over our ministries to others. Others began to realize that we would not be here next year to carry on with things we have been doing for years.
Then chaos hit as school ended and our remaining time in Ecuador began to be measured in weeks, then days, then hours. So many details remained, and yet time ticked on, not waiting for anyone. Our days became a frantic race from one thing to the next as we sought to finish up everything before we left. Worse yet, things started to get complicated. I spent hours and hours at government offices trying to straighten out paperwork details. But finally the end came... we went to the airport, got on that plane, and flew to the USA.
We have been in the resettling stage now for the last couple of months. We are in the apartment where we will stay for the next two years. The boys are finally registered for and attending school. We are beginning to see areas of ministry where we can be involved here at Church of the Open Door. We aren't quite settled yet, but it feels really good to be passed the chaos...
Thanks for praying for us through this transition. It is good to be on this side of chaos. And now as we get resettled, we are looking forward to new ministry opportunities at our church and with HCJB Global.
Doug & Ruth