Friday, March 14, 2008

Flood Waters

Hi all,

For weeks now the rivers along the Ecuadorian coastline have been flooded due to the excessive amounts of rain that have fallen on the country. Even here in Quito the rain has been unusually heavy. We have never experienced so much rain in our 17 years of living in Ecuador. As a result, many people on the coast of Ecuador have had their homes flooded. Many of them are in isolated areas where it is difficult to even find food. Clean water is just as scarce.

Some of you may know that HCJB Global has often participated with Samaritan's Purse in disaster relief efforts around the world. This time the disaster relief is right here in our own back yard. As a result, HCJB Global has banded together with other Christian organizations and the Ecuadorian church to collect and distribute food and clothing to those affected by the flood waters.

For weeks now HCJB has been announcing to our listeners that they can bring food to one of 3 drop off points, where volunteers will collect their donations, sort them, and prepare bags for distribution to those who need them on the coast. And people are responding. We have sent several truck loads of food to the coast and more keeps pouring in. Click on the following link to see a video on YouTube of the work that we are doing on the coast.


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