Sunday, April 12, 2009

Voice and Hands Working Together

Hi all,

Got a couple more stories for you... The first one is from a faithful listener for some 40 years. Recently she had throat surgery in HCJB's Hospital Vozandes. She described her recuperation from surgery as "incredible". She did not expect to be able to talk afterwards, but she gives praise to God for completely restoring her. Because of that, she came to HCJB to give her donation to the radio ministry. She says,
"Today I have come first to give to the Lord before going to my medical appointment in Hospital Vozandes because I am so thankful. I believe in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and not in religion. Although I am a Catholic and not going to change, HCJB is a blessing in my life."

The second story comes from a young man who would be the equivalent of a Senior in High School. He tells us that He was returning to Quito with some schoolmates when their bus had a serious traffic accident. Renato found himself trapped in the bus for 8 hours before rescuers could free him. He was told at the local hospital that he would lose both of his legs, and was sent to HCJB's Hospital Vozandes in Quito. Renato told us,
"Later in the ambulance returning to Quito, I lost all vital signs and was dead for a time, but thanks to God my life returned. At Hospital Vozandes, the doctors knew the chances for saving my life were very slim, but for God nothing is impossible and I am still alive. Although I have had 23 operations and had my left leg amputated, I have never given up."

The doctors thought Renato would never walk again, but with the help of a prosthesis, he can not only walk, but run. Renato gives all the glory to God his Savior. He finishes up his story by saying,
"The strangest part of all this is that before the accident I was very, very atheistic, and my whole family was too. But when I was trapped in that bus waiting for the firemen to arrive, I thought that I would die. I asked Him to not let me die and I asked forgiveness for not believing in Him and He has saved me, and now my Mom, my brother, my Grandmother and all of my aunts are Christians."

I hope this encourages you this week as you remember what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross some 2,000 years ago. But He didn't stay dead either, and raised Himself from the dead three days later so that anyone who believes can have eternal life with Him.


1 comment:

Jon and Mindy Hirst said...

What great examples of the Voice and Hands of Jesus! Very encouraging. Thank you for sharing this Doug.