Friday, June 21, 2013

Reality Check

     I met with a well respected Christian media professional last week. I have attended some of his talks from time to time and I like the way he thinks "out-of-the-box". I think I even share his perspective on conventional Christian media. I was a little nervous though. I wanted to run past him some of my ideas for using new media to reach the up-and-coming generations. I have had this dream for a couple of years now and as I began to share it with others through our presentations, etc, I have begun to wonder if this is just a crazy dream or if this is really something that could work. I was beginning to have my doubts... 

     L.A. is a great place to network with Christian media professionals. Many of them work in the secular media, and I am sure they have some great ideas of how Christians should or could use the media to more effectively tell others about Jesus. I was not sure if my ideas would fit into this environment though or if I would be shot down immediately because I really didn't understand the media world. So I had to get a reading. I needed a reality check...

     It was a short meeting...only about half an hour. I had driven longer than that one-way just to get to the meeting. But I got my answer. Total excitement and support! In fact, he kept asking me what he and his company could do to help us. "Whew! So I'm not crazy..." But then it hit me.... "If I'm not crazy, then there has be a way to make this work..."

     That has become my new motto.... I don't know how we are going to realize this dream. Just the thought of it is daunting as I think about the many obstacles that we will have to climb and overcome. But we must be headed in the right direction. So where do I begin? Networking.... Sharing my ideas with other like-minded media professionals and finding ways that we can work together. I left that meeting with a couple of introductions to other media people who might be interested in just this kind of ministry.

     Will you pray for us as I begin talking to people, gleaning ideas from experts in the field, and putting some shape and form to this "not so crazy" idea? We will certainly need all the wisdom and knowledge that we can get, and the best source of that is from our Lord Himself....


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