Friday, August 16, 2013

We Are All On a Journey...

At the Nikkel Media Works Studio
     We just arrived home from a 3-week trip from California to Indiana/Michigan and back. It was a great time of seeing people. We decided to drive so that we could see more people and stop more places. Ruth figured out that we slept in 9 different beds, did 6 presentations of our work with HCJB Global (in 8 days), had 3 family reunions, saw over 100 friends and family that we have not seen in a long time, attended a wedding, attended a desert night, attended a Ladies Luncheon (Ruth), traveled over 5,000 miles, did 2 college visits and met with the staff at HCJB Global's Nikkel Media Works where I (Doug) will eventually work when we return to Indiana.

     It was great to see many of our friends, family and supporters on this trip. We are constantly reminded of the great group of people that God has put together who stand behind us in prayer and finances. If you want to be a part of that team, we would love to hear from you.

     I think the really exciting news is that just last night we were talking to a family from the Spanish congregation from our church here in California. As we talked, Ruth and I realized that their daughter had not yet made a commitment to follow Jesus even though she is scheduled to be baptized on Sunday. Well we were privileged to be able to help her understand how to do that. We didn't expect that to happen when we talked about getting together, but it just reminds me that we need to always  be ready to share our faith. I would challenge you to think of someone near you... maybe a neighbor, a coworker, or a family member... and begin praying that you will have an opportunity to share your faith with them.

Doug & Ruth

1 comment:

Angela Shih said...

Welcome back! I look forward to hearing more about these luncheons, weddings, presentations, and God's abundant blessings soon! :) What a wonderful answer to prayer, too, about being able to share the gospel in its entirety before the baptism tomorrow! Yay! Will be praying for that too!

Welcome back!